Wednesday, December 13, 2006

OUTRAGE: Conservative bloggers say God wants GOP majority

I hereby call upon the conservative blogosphere to denounce their colleague at Right-Thinking from the Left Coast for the entry "He Be Strokin'," which claims that this is a sign "God does want a Republican majority in the Senate." This douche burglar also talks about how "fucking hilarious" the situation is.

You bastards! I didn't like you before, but I fucking hate you now. I am boycotting ALL of your sponsors.

Join me, won't you?


Anonymous said...

I heard that Ciro Rodrgiuez and 30 other Democratic members (or election winners) are all getting sick too.

Russian spy poisoning, anyone?

Anonymous said...

If Sen. Johnson does turn for the worse, keep him on life support just like Terry Schiavo - and watch the RR cringe when Harry Reid gives his diagnosis that the Sen. is "perfectly fit to vote" by blinking his eye once for yes, two for no.

Anonymous said...

You know, looking at that site, I'm fairly sure the right wing bloggers already hate that guy.

Anonymous said...

Somehow I think Carl Rove is behind this... But here's a solution: Richards, in an effort to rule from the middle, decides to appoint "a great American from the great State of South Dakota" -- Tom Daschle -- because Tom's so qualified for the role. Richards gains national political capital, tosses his name in the hat for POTUS 2008, and is elected because of his decision.

Anonymous said...

Lighten up! Lee at RTFLC was joking. He barely believes in God. You guys are stupid!

Malnurtured Snay said...

I'm a left-leaning moderate who voted Democratic in the last election, and I'd just like to say something -- I've read "Right Thinking from the Left Coast" for several years now, and while Lee is certainly a conservative, he's a libertarian conservative and has taken a lot of right-wing wrath for his attacks on the Republican Party and the Bush Administration. He hates the religious-right. Also, having read him for awhile, it's kind of hard to miss his sarcasm in the post if you're familiar with his writing.

Anonymous said...

It's Karl with a K, moron. As the reader above, I'm a liberal who, unlike most on either side, reads differing opinions to sift though the hyperbole and form my own opinions and beliefs.
It's called thinking.
And while I do feel that the comment was in dubious taste, he was being sarcastic.
To condemn them with out reading them is exactly what I hate about most conservatives- they knee jerk to conclusions and use half truths and out of context remarks to support their positions.
And here you are doing the same thing.

Anonymous said...

the people of SD rejected dashcle. that should count for something, i.e. if your position were to have any merit, a different dem would be more fitting.

Anonymous said...

You do realize that post was a joke on the site you linked to, right?

Anonymous said...

It should have taken you guys all of 5 seconds (well 10 since you lean to the left) to figure out Lee's comment was meant as sarcasm.

Lee is the furthest thing from an Evangelical Christian. If it were up to him, they'd be permanently purged from the party he used to love when Reagan was in office but now despises.

Anonymous said...

Ya know, the conservative blogs I read all say about the same thing: we hope he recovers (and the more religious ones also ask you to keep the senator and his family in your prayers during this time of great stress).
Furthermore, at this point in time, debating about the eventual outcome of the senate seat is a bit premature. Have the decency to wait until a body's assumed room temperature before circling!

Assistant Village Idiot said...

Yeah, I thought it was a bit much when you thought the governor should be sticking to the non-political but jumped right in it yourself.

Your followup post restores my faith in your good nature.